Develop smart projects and services
The engagement of end users with smart energy products or services is important in the successive phases of project and product development. In each phase, different topics require attention.
PreparationThe inclusion and engagement of the consumers in smart grid projects and roll outs should start as early as the preparatory phase - long before they are actually introduced to the new technology, products and services. In this section you can find guidelines that will help you get some background information as you start preparing to introduce consumers to a smart energy environment. | |
DesignWhen designing the smart grid products and services to introduce to the consumers, they should be given a central role. Here you can find information and support for during the design phase and in what ways the consumers can be included in this phase. More practical and specific guidelines are included that will help you organising and planning a smart grid project. | |
ImplementationWhat is key to a good execution of a smart energy project? What to think of and how to execute your ideas and intentions? Various topics are important for the introduction of products and services. This section deals with different aspects of smart grid roll outs from installation to keeping consumers engaged in the long run. | |
EvaluationWhen offering smart grid related products and services - as with any new product or service - it is important to evaluate whether the anticipated outcomes have been achieved. Usually evaluation takes place after a project has finished, but it can also be conducted throughout the project. Monitoring should not rely solely on quantitative data, as there are also powerful qualitative methods to obtain in-depth understanding of the user experience. |